biarkan blog berbicara

" When in a relationship, it’s not about the labels or becoming official. It’s about getting to know someone well enough to develop genuine feelings for them. It’s about being understanding and forgiving when situations are at their worst. It’s about loving someone, not for what they have to offer but who they are. It’s never about blaming your significant other for not treating you like how you want to be treated, it’s about how hard they try to keep you around. "

01 December 2010

spécial pour vous

Sebelum kau benar-benar pergi
Ucapkan satu kata yang tulus
Bahwa kau mencintai diriku sepenuh hatimu
Dan aku merasakan kau selalu di sini

Wahai kau cinta sunguh tak ada yang bisa
Mampu berpaling darimu bila terlanjur sayang
Wahai kau cinta yang luluhkan hati ini
Membuat segalanya indah semua karena cinta


cekadak said...

dah stat jiwang

Rafiq Zain said...

aiseh.sebok je cekodok.

Anonymous said...

jiwang ye lah kau nie :)
btw nk follow awak kat mana nie ..

Rafiq Zain said...

ohh. :) mmg saya mgaku,
hehe.follow kat ne? <--maksudnye?

Anonymous said...

corazón roto demasiado!

Rafiq Zain said...

huh? asal neh yg anynomous neh?