biarkan blog berbicara

" When in a relationship, it’s not about the labels or becoming official. It’s about getting to know someone well enough to develop genuine feelings for them. It’s about being understanding and forgiving when situations are at their worst. It’s about loving someone, not for what they have to offer but who they are. It’s never about blaming your significant other for not treating you like how you want to be treated, it’s about how hard they try to keep you around. "

04 June 2010

bila akan berakhir semua ini

lame x menulis kat sini.
sori pada sesapa yang follow ak.
sbb jarang oh bukak3 web neh.

aku skang neh da masuk sem satu sesi 2010/2011 kat uia.
haha.xpe kusedari aku terextend lak kat asasi neh.
bile la nak abes blaja neh. *mau kawen.

as time passes by.
bnyk mende aku dpt kat uia neh.
akibat terlalu aktif berorganisasi ak pon terjadi presiden peers sesi 2010 neh.
tpi tu ar bila da ade kuasa neh (*perasan sgt berkuasa)
maken ramai la yang xsuke.
yela kat mane2 kat uia neh diorg nmpak mke aku.
ade yang da sampai tahap tensen da n muke ak.

aku just nak hidup normal je cam orang len.
tpi sentiasa ade je yang berkata2(mulut busuk) yang cakap mende2 bodo.
diorang xjoin kelab pape pon pastu label orang yang aktif neh as cari publisiti.

""weyh!mentaliti tahap dungu la korang"

pastu yang paling ak xmenahan nye geng2 pompuan yang bajet diorang hot sgt!
ade la aku ngorat dak kat sini n jadi gf aku.
ade ke diorang ckap kat gf aku tu camni:

"eh.ko nak jadi pompuan murahan ke kapel n rafiq tu!die tu da la rapat n sume pompuan"

heyy pompuan! gi mati la aku rapat pon pasal aku byk urus menda la. bongok!

tpi xpe la as for now pon, awek aku da xjadi awek aku semesti nye gadis2 hot tu bergembira.

aku doakan korang2 berjaya la k.
bukan pe,aku tau korang nye mentaliti tahap kambing so aku xkisah n pe yang korang wat.!


senyuman kambing untuk semua~


Impiana Mayana said...

hey, be strong!
people can talk but they have no right to make you down.
maybe they didn't know who you are.
the real you.
keep on be yourself.
may you got the best in your life.

Rafiq Zain said...

baiklah~ lalala. ;)